It is also extremely useful in spells of growth, fertility, and prosperity, meaning it is working or that that energy is just unveiling itself to you. You can also use this candle flame to find a sense of balance within or around you. Green is also a healing color (reflecting the properties of herbs), so if you are sick, feel unwell, or stressed, green is the right color. It’s great for any prosperity spell and anything you want to grow or improve. A job, a home, a spiritual growth, or a child. Green is the color of nature, which represents growth in any context. Read more about yellow candle flame meaning here. Yellow is also connected with creativity, so light a yellow candle to learn a new activity. There is certainly no better color for the start of university or to help you with exams. It also serves to understand the truth if you want to start a new business or hobby. It is the best color to be able to study candles and learn about them to the fullest. Yellow is the color of intelligence and is connected with all kinds of thinking. It is also connected with energy and fun and can help you relax and have fun at a party. It can also be useful for starting a new project with the right determination. It is a color of positivity, so if you feel troubled by something someone has said or done, if you feel threatened by envy, by someone else’s words, or if they have made you feel inferior, use the orange candle flame to feel charged again and for positive radiation. Orange is the color of ambition and is used to achieve goals at work and in your career, but also in love, albeit to a lesser extent. Read more about red candle flame meaning here. But remember that red stands for passionate love, so if you use it in a spell, you can’t expect a long and quiet story. It is the dominant color for sexual charms or to be more beautiful, sexy, and desirable. Another peculiar role of the red candle flame has to do with passion. It can help you channel what you want into action, to encourage you or even to fight disease, for a promotion, to improve grades or a career, and so on. To make a trivial example, you can use a red candle flame in a spell to help you practice a sport. Similarly, as I said, red is the color of energy, so you can also use it to charge yourself for anything that needs effort. When you want to do protection spells, a red candle flame is a sign it will keep negativity away. No wonder, therefore, that we too use it as a symbol of danger.

In the animal world, red very often means poison, or even a warning not to approach. Read more about white candle flame meaning here. Sometimes, I honor it just to feel protected by God and the Goddess when I fall asleep or when I simply want to feel some warmth with me. The white candle flame is pure energy and recalls the color of the moon, the snow, and the milk that gives us life. White is the color of purity, of the spirit, and of the Goddess. Just open your heart and your intuition and spontaneously give thanks! Candle flames and their meanings White candle flame There is no need to chant something too complex or in old languages like Latin. Practice magic cast a spell or simply honor that candle by meditating on a hoped outcome or chant a prayer to give thanks to that energy for being around you. It means that certain energy related to that candle is finally manifesting. What does it mean when a candle flame shows up in a certain color? What does it mean when a candle flame shows up in a certain color?.